Captain Supertooth flies all over the great state of Oklahoma helping to keep teeth happy, healthy and clean! Supertooth is always meeting new and extraordinary people. Here you can follow the Captain’s adventures. And remember, “Brush twice a day, the superhero way!”

Super heros in training at the University of Oklahoma's Kids Day

Big or small reading and brushing is fun for all ! The Captain at the Pioneer Library's Summer Reading Kick Off Party
University of Oklahoma's Kids Day

SPOTTED! The Captain and Toothfairy at the D-DENT Oral Cancer Awareness Walk

The Captain at Linwood Elementary "ROAR!"

A spooktastic time with friends from Good Shepard Dental Clinic

Praise Beyond the Walls Event

The Captain has visited all 77 counties of Oklahoma

Face Painter at SWOKC Library

Praise Beyond the Walls Event

Highway Patrol at Southwest OKC Library

The Captain with Earnie from Alliance Credit Union!

Pioneer Library with Kelly

Boy Scout Leaders and Dino

Doyle III

Highway Patrol at Southwest OKC Library

Praise Beyond the Walls Event

Boy Scout, Dino & The Captain

With Governor Mary Fallin at the OK State Capitol

The Captain and Chick-fil-A Cow Reunion

Captain Supertooth and Lucas Ross